Nepean Eagles Football Club
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The Eagles Flag season will commence with sort-outs and team selection starting the week of April 15th. It is our intent to finalize teams by May 1st. Teams will practise one day per week on either a Tue-Wed-Thu between 18:30-20:30 at fields in Barrhaven.

The regular season will run from May 15th with double headers of games being held Saturdays (Boys/OPEN) and Sundays (GIRLS) between 09:00 and 15:00. This will be an 8-game season with a 3-game Final season tournament which will be held the weekend of June 21-23 at Ben Franklin fields.

The Club will provide each player with a reversable jersey and a set of flags (players keep these). Each team will have 2 coaches who will work on players passing, running and flagging skills. Games are maximum 60 minutes in duration  .. practises generally 60 – 75 minutes.

We will not guarantee friend team assignments.

The Club will contact parents by early April provide dates for evaluation and teambuilding.

For further info contact Stephen Dean at